The Glory of God’s Word

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There is a great need for all of us. We all need a relationship that is perfect, pure, and right. You may ask why? Because life challenges all of us daily. Because we need a relationship that can mend our souls when we are disheartened. Because we need a relationship that will speak truth rather than judgment. Because we need a relationship in our life that will shine light on truth rather than someone else’s agenda. Because we need a relationship that is eternal rather than a relationship that is temporary only for a season in our life. Because we need answers to all these things. And only God’s word provides the answers to that relationship. We need God through His Word, the Bible. 

In this message we hear that the psalmist declares the accuracy and effectiveness of God’s word. When we spend time with God in His word each day, our reward is Him. Let’s hear how we can know two main values from this text. The passage from this message is from Psalm 19:7-11.

  • God’s Word is Matchless Vv. 7-9
  • God’s Word is our reward, Him Vv. 10-11
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