Oh Christmas Tree

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Are you surprised or even shocked to find many people calling a Christmas Tree a “Great Tree?” Macy’s in Atlanta recently celebrated the 63rd year lighting of the “Great Tree.” Really? I wonder if sixty three years ago they called it the “Great Tree.” What happened?

There was a shopping center in Jacksonville Florida last year that also celebrated the opening of the Christmas season with a lighting of the “Great Tree.” Many retail shoppers undoubtedly Christians, let there disapproval known by way of boycotting their purchases at that center. And the result? Well, this year that shopping center is now calling it a Christmas Tree.

Should we as Christians be upset about someone wanting to call a tree great? No. Should we be upset about someone trying to take Christ out of Christmas? Yes. So where do we draw the line? It’s correct as Christians to celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, but it’s not a tree that defines the birth.

Christians are called to defend their faith, but why? For many who do not have a personal relationship with Christ I believe an important component that is missing is hope. Christians have hope because of their relationship with Jesus Christ, not because of the music, food, decorations or presents. That hope transcends all understanding whether it’s a Christmas Tree or a “Great Tree.” Do not misunderstand me, the Christmas tree in my house is decorated with presents under it. However, the Christmas tree in my house is not my hope.

Look at 1 Peter 3:15: “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear…” If someone wants to call a tree great I don’t attack their position I defend the hope that I have which is Jesus Christ. Let your holiday tree and decorations be a witness to others for the hope you have in Jesus Christ.

If someone asks you why, tell them your testimony or what happened in your life as a result of coming to Christ. Tell them how coming to Christ is the greatest gift you have ever been given. Tell them the grace and peace and love of Jesus. The Christmas Tree just might be the reason to tell the story.

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