One Life Made All The Difference In The World

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One day a little boy and his grandfather were walking along a beach where thousands of sand dollars had washed a shore. Suddenly the grandfather started picking up the sand dollars and throwing them back in the ocean. To his amazement the little boy said, “grandfather there are thousands of sand dollars why are you wasting your time with just one?” The grandfather replied while picking up a sand dollar, “to this one, it makes all the difference in the world!”

Just like the grandfather, God looks on everyone the same way, he too wishes to make all the difference in the world, sometimes with one person at a time. One man who was given life and changed was Charles “Chuck” Colson. However, on August 21, 2012 Chuck died from complications of a brain hemorrhage, but his passing was a life spent changing lives through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Chuck’s life was marked with many achievements early in life. While practicing law at his successful firm, Chuck was selected to be President Nixon’s special counsel at the ripe old age of 39. Chuck was instrumental in getting Nixon reelected but after leaving the White House, Chuck experienced an emptiness that neither position, fortune, or fame could satisfy.

After being involved in the fallout from the Watergate scandal under President Nixon’s administration, Chuck spent 7 months in prison. Prior to his conviction and incarceration, Chuck’s life changed dramatically, he became “born again.” After giving his life to Christ before his conviction and incarceration, Chuck became transformed. He began weekly prayer meetings with congressmen and other leaders in Washington D.C.. During his prison sentence he conducted bible studies, and led prayer groups. Not only was Chuck’s actions affecting those in prison but those outside as well, and for the next 36 years Chuck was responsible for changing lives one at a time through the power of Jesus Christ.

When Chuck Colson left prison, one of the inmates shouted “you’ll forget about us!” However, shortly after his release in 1976 Chuck founded Prison Fellowship, a ministry devoted to proclaiming the love and power of Jesus Christ to inmates. Since then, Prison Fellowship has been providing biblical based teaching through in-prison seminars; provided gifts to prisoner’s children on behalf of the incarcerated parents; developed Justice Fellowship a program to promote biblical standards of justice in our nation’s justice system, and even spread internationally.

Chuck was tireless in his devotion to the Lord by his development of the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview. This organization provides radio programming, articles, video, podcasts, and an abundance of education for those seeking a greater understanding of world events from a Christian worldview.

A few years ago when Chuck was interviewed on a radio program he was asked about his life and why at his age he hasn’t retired.  The host asked, “Chuck at your age what gets you out of bed in the morning?” Chuck replied, “One of the most wonderful things about being a Christian is that I don’t ever get up in the morning and wonder if what I do matters. I live every day to the fullest because I can live it through Christ and I know no matter what I do today, I’m going to do something to advance the Kingdom of God.”

Just like the grandfather who was making a difference with one sand dollar at at time, Chuck kept advancing the kingdom of God by making the difference one life at a time. Just like Chuck, Christ also made all the difference in the world. By Christ’s own testimony he replied, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” Luke 19:10. But in order for you to be saved you have to be willing to give your life to Christ. The choice you make won’t just change your life today, it will change your life for eternity! The Bible testifies in Romans 10:13 that, “for, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Will you answer His call and receive life?

If it is your desire to come to Christ I invite you to view these simple steps to peace with God. Steps to Peace with God


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