Resolution or Temptation?

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How is that New Year’s resolution working out? If your like many people the power of temptation can be strong. Why? What is the problem? What is so hard? Well, like many people who make resolutions they try there best to diet, exercise more, save money or just try to change and be a better person.

When trying to change we often get discouraged and in defeat or disgust we give up because we try to do it on our own power. That’s what happens also when people try to come to God. They think they have to change and be perfect and when it doesn’t happen they get discouraged or disgusted. They may even get tempted to turn back to a life of sin.

In Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus himself was tempted with sin. He was tempted by Satan after he fasted for 40 days in the desert and was hungry, so Satan tried to tempt him with bread. Since that didn’t work, Satan later took him to the highest point on a temple in the holy city where Satan tempted Jesus with power and materialism. But each time Jesus turned from sin and clung to a powerful weapon, the word of God.

If you are facing temptation and sin your not alone. There is hope and its not an exercise machine, a pill, a get rich quick plan, or even an iphone app! The good news is that you have an advocate and a savior. You don’t have to worry about being perfect or where you came from or what you did. That hope is Jesus Christ, and he calls everyone with an invitation: Matthew 11:28 ” Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” In other words, you don’t have to do it on your own. Christ has taken that for you and will give you rest if you come to accept him as Lord and Savior of your life.

We all face temptation and the tempter (Satan) wants you to give up. He wants you to try and change on your own power instead of the power of Jesus Christ. Jesus didn’t just preach a way of life he lived it! He experienced the same temptations we all face. He didn’t just talk the talk he walked the walk. Christ calls everyone, not just those who are weary or desperate. Maybe your life may seem manageable, but deep down inside that voice calls you to come to Christ. Resist temptation and come to the only one who can defeat sin in your life, his name is Jesus Christ.

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