Stand Up America!

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In light of the events that have been happening in our country I have decided to report how some are responding to the call. In America we now live in a time of economic crisis, social peril and the crumbling of our moral and ethical fabric as we know it. Many are crying out for justice, some are merely accusing the other party or organization for the problem. No matter what the problem is there is one and only one common denominator. It’s not unemployment, it’s not racism, it’s not poverty, it’s not injustice, it’s not the energy crisis, it’s not the health-care problem, it’s not any of these.

The problem in America is sin. And until the people of this great nations take personal responsibility for this nothing is going to change. Over the centuries man has instituted laws, made provisions, launched armies, and signed treaties. So if this was a solution why does our country now face these mounting issues?

Well, there are some in this country who are not pointing fingers but are simply responding with the solution. If our country was established under biblical principles, would it not seem correct to go to the source in our time of great need? There are some men who are working to make a difference and I submit their work to you for your prayerful consideration in order to restore the hearts of this great nation back to God.

Chuck Colson: Chuck has founded The Manhattan Declaration. This grass roots movement led by prominent clergy and scholars is a call of conscience for Christians. This movement advocates for Christians to take a stand on three critical moral issues which face us today. They are the sanctity of human life, the dignity of traditional marriage (between one man and one woman), and religious liberty. By signing the Manhattan Declaration you are joining with hundred of thousands of Americans who realize the importance of making our voice known to those in Washington.

Dr. Charles Stanley, senior pastor of the First Baptist Church of Atlanta and founder of In Touch Ministries has been a pastor for over 50 years. Dr. Stanley has led a call to pray for this nation for 140 days. Dr. Stanley says “God has called us to take a stand and appeal to Him on behalf of our country. And as we courageously fight the battle for the soul of our country on our knees, we must remember that He continues to rule over the affairs of this nation and will hear us when we humble ourselves, turn from our sins, and seek His face.” I encourage all of you to join Dr. Stanley in these 140 days of prayer in hopes that all the people of this nation turn their hearts back to God!

Stand up America! If we as Christians and citizens of this great nation don’t take a stand now, then when? If not us, then who? I urge everyone to prayerfully consider supporting these endeavors to restore our great nation!

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