The unborn is praise to the creator for His creation

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Sonogram of childSometimes people only value a life based on what that life has produced or how others value it. However despite the value man places on a person’s life we have to realize that every life is precious to God. Regardless of how people perceive the value of human life we are reminded that every human life is made by God, and as Ethel Waters used to say, “I am somebody cause God don’t make no junk.” Since God is the creator, how we value Him is therefore connected to how we value human life.

The unborn is God made by the master craftsman, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb” Psalm 139:13. In this verse we realize that human life is valuable because God the creator of the universe also made human life. The value of human life is not based on man because man did not make human life, God made human life.

If someone stumbles upon a piece of expensive artwork yet fails to understand who made it they do not understand its value. It can simply be taken to the trash heap along with other items considered invaluable. However when it is understood who the artist is that created the artwork, then the value is not only understood but the value is highly placed. Now the object becomes worthy of keeping only because it’s value is understood by who created it. So if God is the creator of all human life, why don’t we the unborn child as priceless, created by the master artist?

The problem is that perhaps many people try to value human life based upon their perception to the value they think it will provide them. If an unborn child is considered an inconvenience or burden to the mother or father it’s value is lowered to the point that it is not valuable. They fail to see that its value is not based on their standard but by the standard of who created the child. The God who created heaven and earth from the scale of mountains and seas all the way down to the intricacy of the human cell is the same God who formed every child’s inward parts while knitting them together in their mother’s womb.

The unborn is the praise of God for his wonder, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well” Psalm 139:14. Giving compliments to someone for a job well done may seem easy if it pleases you or serves as a purpose to you. Perhaps someone made you something you wanted like a house, or a fine meal. When everyone receives something they wanted they often give thanks or praise to the person who rendered the service because it was something they wanted. The issue some people have with the unborn is that unless it serves as a purpose for them then its value is considerably less, or not at all.

Just as God has revealed himself to everyone through his works no one is without excuse of not perceiving him as the creator (Romans 1:19-20). If man has marveled at the heights of Mount Everest, to the depths of the ocean floor why has he denied the value of his crowning creation––human life? “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him” Genesis 1:27.

Human life is wonderfully made by the same God whose works are wonderfully made; the same God whose works are marveled by man; the same God who creates a human life in the womb because it is made in the image of God. If man can stand at a mountaintop and praise God for the wonders of His work, can he not praise God for the wonder of his creation in human life when it is born before his very eyes?

The value of human life is not based upon man’s perception of it. It is based upon who created it in the first place. Human life is not valued upon what it others think it will do for them or how it might inconvenience them. Human life is of the highest value because it is made by the highest of all, the creator––God.

Understand that human life is valuable; to devalue or try to terminate it is not to devalue it but to devalue God. Treat every unborn life that is carried by a mother as God’s creation fearfully and wonderfully made. Don’t terminate a human life based on human perception, do everything you can to make sure a human life is allowed to live and give praise to God, its creator.

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