Who is God?

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Heavenly FatherMany years before I became a Christian I found myself searching for God and in doing so I read some of the books of Wayne Dyer. Dyer is a well known author on spirituality. Dyer often refers to God as “the source.” While Dyer may believe in God, he believes that God is simply too big and too complicated to be limited to a name who can be identified as anything other than the source.

I think what is interesting is that God certainly is the source of everything we are searching for and need, but isn’t it possible that God is so much more than being called a source? Therefore, I have to ask the question, how can you have a relationship with a source? I can have a relationship with my employer, he is the source of my income for a living, and so he is called my employer. I have a relationship with my doctor, he is the source for any medical diagnosis, and I call him doctor. I also have personal relationship with my wife, my relationship with her is so much more than I can describe here, but I don’t dare call her wife, I call her by her name, which is Kim. I have other relationships with my children I call them by their given names. But these names are all based on a relationship.

So if you were seeking someone who you believe is God, would that not be a based on a relationship that would at the very least have a name? Because if I referred to my wife as the “source” when she made me a fine meal or took a relaxing walk with me, she would probably look at me as if I was crazy. So would we refer to God whom we seek and pour out our soul in prayer when we need Him most as the “source?”

God does have a name, in fact Jesus told us repeatedly to call God Father. One reason is because that the name evokes a personal relationship. Just as a child I learned to come to my earthly father for things I wanted, but most importantly things I needed. Never once did I come to my father and say “source, I love you.” Nor did I ever grow up and consider the man who hugged me, and loved me as “the source” because my relationship with my father was real and personal, and never was he too big or too complicated for me to call him anything less than father.

Consequently wouldn’t God want me to come to him in a way that is real and personal also? I believe he does. In fact, when the disciples asked Jesus how to pray he told them to pray to their father (Matthew 6:9). Perhaps you too have been searching for God for a long time but were not sure who He really is. Years after reading Dyer’s books I decided to read the Bible, and would you believe in my search for who God is I found Him! One day while reading my Bible I found this out when Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).

You can know who God is and Jesus shows us that by the model of his relationship with the Father. And if you will let him, Jesus will bring you into that same close relationship with him if you allow him. If you desire to have a relationship with God by name that is real and personal with whom you can know Him and have communion with Him for all eternity all you have to do is call on Him, “And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” Acts 2:21. Listed below is more information for you to begin that relationship.

Steps to Peace with God

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